Frequently Asked Questions

What is coaching and why should I want a coach?

As a certified practice, coaching provides deep listening and powerful questions that tend to start with the question ‘What.’ We are trained to expand awareness and thinking so you can unlock what you want on your journey. We use several different tools while we simply walk with you down a figurative path, being curious about what you say and leaning into what you desire, what your internal messages are, and ultimately, what goals you want to achieve.

Given that change is the most consistent part of our experience, I find that people want a coach during transitions in their lives — during a shift in role or career — and at times when they feel stuck, realize a pattern or limiting belief that’s getting in the way of their happiness, or simply a feeling inside that wants to be discovered and someone to really listen.

A guiding coach who listens deeply and offers visualizations that evoke awareness leading to powerful inner change and development—is oftentimes, life changing.

What is your objective as a coach?

My objective in our coaching relationship is to guide you as you identify your personal and professional resources (such as strengths, characteristics, unique qualities, values and vision for the future) and goals by listening carefully to what you tell me, asking appropriate questions, helping you overcome obstacles to success, helping you develop a high degree of self-awareness and assisting you in articulating, clarifying and moving toward achieving your goals.

What isn’t coaching?

Coaching is not consulting, advising or mentoring; nor, are these sessions therapy or counseling. Any personal, health or relationship issues outside of the coaching contract will be the clients responsibility.

Different from therapy, which tends to focus on the past, coaching focuses on the present and future. We can look back to inform patterns but ultimately, we’re driving you forward towards clarifying and achieving your goals and successfully achieving them.

What is my responsibility and how do I prepare for sessions?

As a client, you agree to assume responsibility for your personal development, experiment with new ways of doing things, completing action items you set forth, embracing potential discomfort that comes with growth and change, and are open to feedback (receiving and giving).

You set the topic for every session even if they’re not related or linear to previous topics we’ve discussed. As such, you don’t need to prepare for our sessions but a guide to consider:

  • What accomplishments do I want to highlight since our last conversations?

  • What part of my action items needs further attention?

  • What current challenges, dynamics, thoughts or behaviors do I want to talk about at our next session?

  • What area of focus or goal would I like to focus on in the upcoming session?

What is leadership coaching?

Leadership coaching is intended to support leaders in aligning their behaviors with achieving the results that are most important to the long-term success of the leader and the organization.

What is inclusion coaching?

Inclusion coaching is both for leaders of color and leaders who are not in the minority. Depending on the audience, inclusion coaching can support leaders of color to thrive in their environments; and, deepen awareness of what in the culture other leaders need to participate in to ensure the environment is one where everyone can thrive.

Inclusion coaching tends to lean toward equitable and inclusive practices, behaviors and courageous actions that lead to transformation—for individuals and their organizations. Often, inclusion coaching pairs well with inclusion learning and development so clients have tools and content to respond to and practice. Though there are many layers to diversity and inclusion at the heart of this coaching style is to increase individual and group awareness, adopt a tool or practice, and connect and relate across difference.

Is coaching only 1:1?

No. I offer team coaching for groups, whether for leaders and the team they manage, their organization, affinity/identity groups, mentorship circles or other groups who want a coach to guide their discussion and discovery on a topic of their choosing.

Are these sessions confidential? Do I need to sign a coaching agreement?

Yes. Coaching is a confidential relationship. All information provided during the course of coaching remains private, unless you give specific permission to release it. I will encourage you to share your progress with the appropriate people in your organization so that they can support your growth.

Before our first session you will receive a Coaching Agreement to sign. I will countersign and you will receive a copy. This is non-binding and not a contract. It is simply to document our coaching relationship and agreed terms.

If at any time I want to pause or cancel my services, can I?

Yes. Coaching is a relationship of equals where accountability for moving toward your goals lies with you, and responsibility for providing insightful and challenging coaching to support that lies with me.

Either party may end the coaching relationship at any time. Both parties agree to hold a wrap-up coaching conversation at termination of the coaching relationship.

Do you speak at events?

Yes, and I love public speaking! Send me an inquiry via my contact form and let’s discuss what you’re looking for. I also enjoy speaking with senior leaders, celebrities, and other coaches on panels; interviewing keynote speakers; and providing expertise and content as a keynote speaker.

What are your credentials and do you offer assessments?

I have an Associate Coaching Certification from the International Coaching Federation and was trained at Fielding Graduate University through their Evidence-Based Coaching program.

I am certified in administering and facilitating 360 Feedback assessment through the Center for Creative Leadership. I have completed an 8-week grant for coaches to study Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine.